We understand the frustration behind experiencing pain, weakness or restrictions in movement that affect your ability to participate in your normal daily activities. Using evidence-based treatments for an optimal and timely outcome, allows us to tend to a variety of musculoskeletal conditions that may be causing these limitations by identifying the cause or contributing factors.

Whether acute (an injury acquired recently) or chronic (an injury acquired over a longer period of time), our physiotherapists are skilled in treating a range of conditions including presentations of the spine, hip, knee, ankle, shoulder and elbow.

Depending on your diagnosis, our physiotherapists will assist you by using a variety of modalities including manual therapies, rehabilitation exercise prescriptions, taping and dry needling. Or perhaps your condition warrants certain techniques within these umbrella modalities. For example, if you are suffering from lower back pain and are experiencing neurological symptoms, we are trained to identify this and use certain techniques to assist in alleviating these symptoms.

A critical component of our treatment is education. The more we can educate you on your diagnosis and treatment, the more empowered you will be as a patient to take control of your symptoms, manage them independently and lead a smoother life. Our extensive physiotherapy knowledge means that you will feel confident in understanding all aspects of your diagnosis and treatment plan.

We acknowledge that not all injuries are the same and that each person has different requirements. If you are not sure whether physiotherapy is for you, please give us a call and one of our physiotherapists would be happy to answer your questions.

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